Revised Manuscripts
Following rigorous peer, editorial, and statistical review, The Heart Matrix (THM) editorial team will either decline a manuscript or express interest in publishing it (after revision).
Throughout the revision stage, authors will be asked to:
Collaborate with THM editors on improving their texts — for example, by clarifying scientific meaning and ensuring the rigor of study conclusions
Bring the manuscript and all figure, table, reference elements into full compliance with THM style and technical specifications.
Complete all necessary financial disclosure and copyright transfer forms.
Multiple iterations of peer review, statistical review, and revision will most likely occur before a manuscript is ready to be accepted for publication.
With each revision, THM requires two versions of the manuscript to be resubmitted — one with changes tracked or highlighted and one without.
Revised manuscript submissions should include all elements — cover letter, title page, abstract, text, figures, and tables — required for new manuscript submissions and should be sent via the THM online submission system.
When submitting revised manuscripts, label the files accordingly (2nd version, 3rd version, etc.). Respond to all points raised by the Editors, Reviewers and Statistician in the ‘Respond to reviewers’ field in the Metadata, outlining any changes that have been made. All changes should be marked in red in the revised manuscript to facilitate editorial reassessment.
Authorship Changes
All changes in authorship (including adding, removing, or changing author positions) must be confirmed in writing and signed by all authors. It is the responsibility of the authors to work out these matters; THM cannot assist in adjudicating authorship disputes.
Each author is required to fill out:
A THM Copyright form.
An International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Form for the Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest http://www.icmje.org/disclosure-of-interest/
which can be emailed to the appropriate THM editorial assistant or to editorial@theheartmatrix.de
Note: THM must receive all forms before a manuscript can be accepted.